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Carrot-Harissa-Miso Pasta


2 h 0 min



I understand that not everyone has a pasta machine at hand, which can make the pasta-making process seem daunting. But is it really? Believe it or not, there are numerous pasta types that can be shaped by hand without the need for any special tools. One such example is Lorighittas. These traditional pasta shapes, resembling small braided rings, originate from the Sardinian village of Morgongiori. While they may require some time and effort to craft, the end result is truly rewarding, especially when enjoyed as a group activity (it's a fantastic way to involve kids!). For this particular pasta, I've paired it with a seasonal sauce crafted from carrots, harissa, and miso. Being mindful of reducing waste, I utilized carrot tops to create a flavorful gremolata, which I then sprinkled over the pasta along with crispy breadcrumbs. This dish serves as yet another delightful way to embrace the flavors of spring!

4 pasta dishes




Picture for Carrot-Harissa-Miso Pasta

4 pasta dishes





For the pasta

100 gr semolina flour

100 gr white flour

100 gr water

of salt

Carrot Harissa Miso sauce

7 orange carrots, peeled and roughly cut

3 ½ garlic cloves,peeled and roughly cut

2 shallots, peeled and roughly cut

1 tsp harissa

1 tsp white miso

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

4 ½ tbsp water


For the gremolata

2 ½ Carrot tops from carrots, chopped

¼ parsley bunch, chopped

1 lemon, juice and zest

1 tbsp fresh oregano leaves (optional)

1 garlic clove, finely grated

1 ½ tbsp extra virgin olive oil


For the breadcrumbs

½ cup panko breadcrumbs

1 tbsp olive oil

of salt


Step 1

Preheat your oven to 400F or 200C.

Step 2

Start with the pasta dough- pout both flours and a pinch of salt on the working surface. Make a pit in the middle and add the water.

100 gr semolina flour

100 gr white flour

100 gr water

of salt

Step 3

Start mixing, each time collecting more flour from the sides of the pile. Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic (about 6-8 minutes). If the dough feels too dry, wet your hands and get back to kneading the dough.

Step 4

Round the dough into a tight ball, wrap in plastic wrap and set aside while working on the sauce.

Step 5

Moving to the sauce- Add the carrots on a baking tray, lined with parchment paper, add olive oil and salt and mix well. Bake for 40 min until or until soften.

7 orange carrots, peeled and roughly cut

1 extra virgin olive oil


Step 6

In a medium sized pan over medium heat, add 1 tbsp olive oil, shallots and garlic. Cook for 5 min, stirring constantly.

1 extra virgin olive oil

Step 7

Add harissa and white mist and mix well. Add 2 tbsp of water and cook for 3 more minutes. Remove from the heat.

1 tsp harissa

1 tsp white miso

2 water

Step 8

In a food processor, blend the baked carrots and the shallots-garlic-miso-harissa mix until smooth. Add water as needed.


Step 9

Pass the sauce through a sieve to make sure we get a super smooth sauce.

Step 10

Moving to the gremolata- in a bowl add the chopped carrot tops, parsley, oregano, garlic, lemon zest, lemon juice, olive oil and salt, and mix well.

2 ½ Carrot tops from carrots, chopped

¼ parsley bunch, chopped

1 lemon, juice and zest

1 tbsp fresh oregano leaves (optional)

1 garlic clove, finely grated

1 ½ tbsp extra virgin olive oil


Step 11

Moving to the breadcrumbs- In a medium sized pan over medium heat, add 1 tbsp olive oil, panko and salt. Cook for 3-4 minutes, mixing constantly. Once it reaches the desire color, remove from the pan to a flat plate to cool.

½ cup panko breadcrumbs

1 tbsp olive oil

of salt

Step 12

Back to the pasta shaping- divide the dough into 10 pieces, working on one piece at a time, and the rest covered with a plastic wrap.

Step 13

Roll a piece of dough into a long, very thin rope. Wrap the rope around your two middle fingers twice and pinch ends together to seal. Remove your fingers and hold the loops delicately where they cross. Starting at the bottom where the ends are sealed, gently twist the strands together like you’re winding a watch. Repeat with the rest of the dough.

Step 14

In a big pot, bring water to boil. Add salt. and boil the pasta for 4-5 min. In the meantime, heat up the sauce on a big pan.

Step 15

Add the cooked pasta to the sauce and cook for 1 minute while constantly stirring.

Step 16

Plate the pasta, top with gremolata and breadcrumbs. Grate Parmigiano Reggiano to your liking.

Step 17



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