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Middle Eastern Canelé de Bordeaux



I adore canelé de Bordeaux! It's incredibly easy to make, with the only challenge being the waiting time. That seems to be the case with most baked goods, doesn't it? Haha! One thing I particularly enjoy about making canelé de Bordeaux is how versatile it is when it comes to experimenting with flavors. This time, I decided to infuse it with a touch of the Middle East by adding rose water and cardamom powder. Let me tell you, this flavor combination is absolutely heavenly! It adds a delightful twist to the French classic without overpowering it with flavors. You definitely need to give it a try! Once you've prepared the batter, simply pop it in the fridge. Then, when your patience is wearing thin, bake them directly from the fridge. Trust me, it's worth the wait! These treats are so addictive, I won't blame you if they become your new obsession.

12 caneles




Picture for Middle Eastern Canelé de Bordeaux

12 caneles





500 ml whole milk

200 gr sugar

125 gr bread flour

50 ml whisky/rum

35 gr butter

1 free range egg

2 free range egg yolk

8 gr rose water

5 gr cardamom powder

4 gr salt


Step 1

Pour the milk into a small pot. Add the butter and the rose water. Stir well and bring to a light boil. Turn the heat off and set aside while you prepare the dry ingredients.

500 ml whole milk

35 gr butter

8 gr rose water

Step 2

In a bowl mix the flour, sugar, cardamom powder and salt.

125 gr bread flour

200 gr sugar

5 gr cardamom powder

4 gr salt

Step 3

In another separate bowl, add the egg and the egg yolk. Stir well but not too much. We don't want to add air to the batter.

2 free range egg yolk

1 free range egg

Step 4

Slowly add the hot milk. Start with a little amount first and stir well. That step called "tempering". What tempering eggs mean? "tempering" is just a fancy word for the process of mixing two liquids of different temperatures together without altering the texture of the liquids. If we simply pour the hot liquid into the egg mixture you’d end up with scrambled eggs.

Step 5

Once incorporated add the rest of the milk.

Step 6

Then add the milk-egg mixture to the dry ingredients bowl, whisking constantly. Pour the batter through a sieve, we want to make sure our batter is smooth without any pieces left.

Step 7

Then pour the batter into a box, cover, and place in the fridge for at least 24 hours, up to 5 days. French people told me- the longer you wait the better the Canelé.

Step 8

Once you decide to bake these beauties, prepare your Canelés pan by brushing it with a generous amount of butter. Place the pan in the fridge to chill. In the meantime preheat the oven to 480F or 250C.

Step 9

Take the batter out of the fridge and stir in the whiskey/rum.

50 ml whisky/rum

Step 10

Pour the batter into the chilled-butter greased pan. Pour the batter in each mold up to ¾ full. Don’t overfill the cups or you will risk the bottoms not cooking evenly.

Step 11

Bake the Canelés at 480F or 250C for 10 min, then drop the temperature to 350F or 175C and bake for another 60-80 min. I baked mine for 80 min, rotating the pan every 20 min to get even cooking.

Step 12

Remove from the pan and let the Canelés chill for few minutes.

Step 13



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