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Peach and Blue Cheese Focaccia


20 h 0 min



Peach and blue cheese focaccia, generously drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and topped with prosciutto crudo—that’s a dream bite! This focaccia is a quicker version of my sourdough focaccia. By using dry yeast, you don't need to worry about feeding and maintaining a starter, and after an overnight rest in the fridge, the dough ferments well enough to achieve a flavor and texture very similar to sourdough. I topped it with blanched peaches and blue cheese—a perfect combination you wouldn't believe. I then sliced it up and added prosciutto crudo to each slice, taking it to a whole new level.

1 tray




Picture for Peach and Blue Cheese Focaccia

1 tray





For the dough:

450 gr bread flour

50 gr whole wheat flour

420 gr lukewarm water

15 gr extra virgin olive oil

15 gr Atlantic sea salt

5 gr dry yeast

For the toppings:

4 ½ peaches

150 gr blue cheese

Extra virgin olive oil

of ice


Step 1

In a bowl, mix the flours, yeast and water (apart from 50 gr of water which we will use later on) until consolidation. Leave to rest for an hour covered with a plastic wrap.

450 gr bread flour

50 gr whole wheat flour

5 gr dry yeast

370 lukewarm water

Step 2

Add the salt and the rest of the water from step 1 and knead until water and salt are incorporated into the dough. Leave to rest for 30 min covered with a plastic wrap.

15 gr Atlantic sea salt

50 lukewarm water

Step 3

Add the olive oil and knead until incorporated. Folds on the side of the bowl create a beautiful, smooth side facing up. Cover with a plastic wrap and let the dough to rest for half an hour.

15 gr extra virgin olive oil

Step 4

From this moment, every 30 minutes, we will fold the dough. Between the folds cover the dough with a plastic wrap.

Step 5

After 4 folds, cover the bowl with a plastic wrap and place in the fridge overnight.

Step 6

The day after, oil the baking tray you will use for baking the focaccia with olive oil. Take the dough out from the fridge and let it rest in the bowl for 30 minutes before starting working on it.

Step 7

Wet your hands and gently transfer the dough to the baking pan, with the beautiful side facing up. Cover and leave for half an hour.

Step 8

In the meantime, let's prepare the peaches: bring a big pot of water to boil. Score an X at the bottom of each peach. Boil the peaches for 60-90 seconds.

4 ½ peaches

Step 9

Transfer the peaches into an ice bath. Leave the peaches there for 1 minute.

of ice

Step 10

Peel the skins, cut the peaches in half, remove the pit, and cut into 1/2 inch thickness.

Step 11

Back to the dough- after resting, lightly stretch the dough towards the corners of the tray, not pushing it, if it returns slightly to the center- let it rest for a couple of minutes and stretch again.

Step 12

After the dough has spread on the entire tray, cover the dough and let it rest until it nearly doubles its volume. Preheat oven to 450F or 230C.

Step 13

After the focaccia has proofed, oil your hands and drizzle olive oil generously on top of the dough. Make holes in the dough with your fingers. Pay attention! We want to get the fingers to the bottom of the dough, to prevent it from rising at these wholes we did.

Extra virgin olive oil

Step 14

Add the peaches and crumble the blue cheese on top.

150 gr blue cheese

4 ½ peaches

Step 15

Bake for 25-30 minutes.

Step 16

Remove from the pan and eat it all!

Step 17



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