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100% Whole Wheat Challah


3 h 30 min



Natural challah made with 100% organic whole wheat flour, free-range egg, raw local honey, and extra virgin olive oil. For the first challah after Passover, I decided to share with you guys my recipe for 100% whole wheat challah. Many recipes claim to be whole wheat but actually using a mix of white flour and whole wheat. In my opinion- whole wheat bread should be made from 100% whole grain flour only. In this recipe, I use honey instead of cane sugar to give more moisture to the dough. The result is stunning, and because it's whole-wheat I feel better to finish it all alone :)

2 Challahs




Picture for 100% Whole Wheat Challah

2 Challahs





500 gr whole wheat flour

240 ml lukewarm water

50 gr raw honey

60 ml extra virgin olive oil

10 gr dry yeast

10 gr Atlantic sea salt

1 free range egg


Step 1

In a stand mixer's bowl mix water, yeast, and honey. Stir well, then add the egg.

240 ml lukewarm water

50 gr raw honey

10 gr dry yeast

1 free range egg

Step 2

Add the flour to the bowl and don't stir.

500 gr whole wheat flour

Step 3

Pour the olive oil on top.

60 ml extra virgin olive oil

Step 4

Set the mixer to the lowest speed and start mixing for 10 min.

Step 5

Change the mixer to a higher speed, only one level faster than the slowest one. We don't want to stress our dough. Add the salt and keep kneading for additional 2-3 min (total kneading of the dough should be 12-13 min).

10 gr Atlantic sea salt

Step 6

Round the dough and place it in an oiled bowl to proof. Cover with a towel to avoid the dough from drying out.

Step 7

After doubled in size, punch the dough and divide the dough by the desired amount of strands you want: Using this recipe, let's understand how to divide the dough:

Step 8

2 Challahs of 3 strands: Divide to 6 balls of 150 gr | 2 Challahs of 4 strands: Divide to 8 balls of 110 gr | 2 Challahs of 5 strands: Divide to 10 balls of 90 gr | 1 Challah of 6 strands: Divide to 6 balls of 150 gr | 1 Challah of 7 strands: Divide to 7 balls of 120 gr | 1 Challah of 8 strands: Divide to 8 balls of 110 gr.

Step 9

Round each piece to a perfect sealed ball. Place them an inch apart and cover with a towel. Let them rest for 10-15 min.

Step 10

Flattening each ball to a pita shape, start to roll the top towards you creating a sausage shape. In this way, we avoid air pockets in the strands.

Step 11

Open the strands in a way that the edges are slightly thinner than the center of the strand. It will result in beautiful and easy-going braiding.

Step 12

When the strands are ready to be braided- flour them gently. This way they will stay separate from each other when being baked.

Step 13

Attach the top of all the strands together and start to braid.

Step 14

Cover the braided challah with a towel and let it proof. You know it is ready to be baked when you touched the strands (gently!!!!!) and it bounced back slowly.

Step 15

Brush with egg yolk mixed with a sip of water. Don't make a pool of egg on the challah. Light Brushing. We don't want an omelet on our bread!

Step 16

Spread your desired toppings.

Step 17

Bake in a preheated oven to 380F or 190C for about 25 min. If the top of the challah gets brown too fast, cover the top with aluminum foil. You know the challah is ready when the internal temperature reaches 190F or 95C.

Step 18

Once the challah is coming out from the oven, cover immedietly with a couple of towels. The towels will keep all the steam that is coming out from the hot challah which will result in a super soft crust.

Step 19

If you plan to eat it in the next few days- close in a plastic sealed bag once cooled down.

Step 20



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